We Are Now Scheduling All Surgical And Non-Invasive Procedures Which Utilize The Mandated COVID-19 Safety Practices.
You Will Notice The Following Safeguards At Our Clinic:
- Social Distancing measures employed
- Masks required for patients
- Continual disinfection of high touch areas and clinical spaces
- Temperatures taken at the door for all employees and patients
- Staff wearing the mandated Personal Protective Equipment
- Limiting the number of patients being scheduled
- COVID Testing Of All Surgical Staff
Please Help Us to Maintain a Safe Environment:
- Stay Home if You are Feeling Sick
- Wear a Face Mask
- Be Prompt
- Ring our Doorbell upon Arrival, and Wait for a Staff Member to Meet You at the Door
- Remain 6 Feet from Other Patients
- Bring only 1 Person to Accompany You if You are Scheduled for Surgery
- For Non-Surgical Patients, Come Alone
Our Dedication in Service will Never Change as We Strive to Bring You Excellence in Our Care!